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In-Person Women's Circle: NJ

Feb 9th (In-Person NJ)

$33.00 per person

Attend 5 Circles and the sixth is free!

Father Wound

The Father represents trust in a higher power, presence, awareness and wisdom. He is the first experience we have with the external masculine and affects development of our internal masculine. Our sense of self-worth, our purpose and our ability to set healthy boundaries are all due to our relationship with our father. 

The father wound occurs when there is unresolved trauma between a father and child.  Trauma can be as small as having had a critical Dad or as big as having been abused, and anything in between. The Father wound is also created by absenteeism, either physical or emotional. So, if your Dad was a workaholic, or checked out when home, or if he literally abandoned the family, you likely have wounding because of it.  The Father is supposed to be the protector, the person we can go to for advice. When he is absent, it can create devastating results.

Some of the outcomes of the Father Wound:

  • Perfectionism – Focusing on a need for approval
  • Lack of Boundaries – Being overly permissive or promiscuous
  • Rigidity – Being controlling 
  • Unhealthy Relationships with Men – Choosing men that mirror your Dad

In our patriarchal, male dominated society, women are conditioned to think of ourselves as “less than” and undeserving or unworthy of love and affection. The lack of physical and/or emotional presence from the father can lead to either neediness or avoidance in an effort to cope with our feelings of lack or emptiness inside.

Addressing the disconnection within and learning from this wound is paramount to releasing the pain and the bind, freeing ourselves to embrace our power and step into our fullest potential. The key to freeing ourselves from this wound is understanding that everything we learned can be unlearned, we can break the cycle. 

The truth is that you are powerful beyond measure, and you deserve love and presence. This circle is dedicated to healing this wound and opening ourselves to the love and presence we deserve.

Women's Circles (1)