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All hypnosis is self-hypnosis! There can be no hypnosis unless you are willing to participate actively and voluntarily. The hypnotherapist is only a guide or facilitator of this process. In hypnosis, the client is deeply relaxed while being in a heightened state of awareness and suggestibility. This allows one to suppress their inner conscious critic and go directly to the subconscious mind. In this state one can access, neutralize and change patterns of behavior and deeply held beliefs. It is also possible, in this state, to tap into or realize one’s reservoir of potential and strength, which with practice can be enhanced or improved upon.

Another way of putting it is that in hypnosis we are shifting the balance between the different parts of the mind. The conscious mind is always active and deals with the outside world in an objective way, the subconscious mind is passive and accepts information subjectively. The subconscious is where we store all our memories and beliefs. In hypnosis, we ask the conscious mind to take a back seat and allow the subconscious mind to come to the forefront. While in this state, the subconscious becomes active and accessible and open to suggestions as long as they are not contrary to the persons moral or ethical code.

Hypnosis has been used for centuries, but more recently by Physicians, Psychotherapists and Dentists as a valuable tool in solving problems such as stress and tension, sleep disturbances, pain management, memory and concentration, fears and phobias, as well as trauma. It is also helpful with smoking cessation, weight management and changing habits or addictions.
The process is very relaxing and enjoyable, and has the potential to change your life by helping you make lasting changes if you have the desire and are willing to cooperate!

"Hypnosis is like driving a vehicle. The hypnotist is the driver but you are the navigator."